Mgr. Sabina Čamdžicová


Mgr. Sabina Čamdžicová works at the Chrenek, Toman, Kotrba spol. s.r.o. as an attorney-at-law specializing primarily in family law. She joined the original office of Toman & Partners in 2019 as a trainee attorney-at-law and became an attorney-at-law in 2022. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Palacky University in Olomouc in 2015, and since 2022 she has been registered in the list of attorney-at-laws maintained by the Czech Bar Association under No. 20377. In her legal practice, she mainly focuses on civil and family law.


  • Member of the Private Law and Real Estate Team


  • Faculty of Law of the Palacky University in Olomouc (Mgr.)


  • Family law
  • Civil Law


  • Czech
  • English

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