Regulation of relations with (minor) children

In the event of a breakdown of partnership or the dissolution of marriage, it is particularly important to regulate the relationships with minor children, i.e. to ensure the proper upbringing of minor children and payment of maintenance (alimony).

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The best-case scenario is that the child’s parents are able to agree on how the child will be brought up, i.e. especially in whose custody the child will be and how the non-custodial parent will be in contact with the child and contribute to the child’s maintenance. However, since these issues are addressed after the parents’ separation, they are often clouded by the mutual hostility of the parents and their unwillingness or inability to agree on anything. Especially in such cases, the assistance of a professional – an attorney who can effectively and constructively mediate the agreement between the feuding parents is welcome and useful. For the sake of completeness, the parent’s obligation to maintain and support the child may continue even after the child reaches the age of majority, i.e. the age of 18, especially where the child studies at a secondary school and university.

What issues do we typically handle for clients in relation to the adjustment of relationships with (minor) children?

  • What is the appropriate child custody arrangement with regard to the personal and financial situation of the parents?
  • How to set conditions for the contact between the non-custodial parent and the child, including the arrangements for the child’s contact with the parent living abroad?
  • How to regulate the circumstances and exercise of the grandparents’ right of access to their grandchildren?
  • What is the adequate amount of child maintenance and support?
  • Whether and to what extent are you, as the minor’s statutory representative, entitled to claim retroactive maintenance and support for the minor?
  • What are the forms, conditions, rights and obligations of foster care?
  • Drawing up the parents’ agreement on the upbringing and maintenance of children
  • Drafting a petition for an increase or decrease in maintenance and support by the court or a comprehensive petition for adjustment of relationships with children
  • Enforcement of due maintenance
  • Representation in court proceedings in respect of any claims made in relation to the adjustment of relationships with children
  • Arranging family-law mediations

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